Telefónica Digital and Dell in Mobile Broadband Tie-up

Telefónica Digital and Dell have signed an agreement to give integrated mobile connectivity for Windows 7 and Windows 8 devices anywhere in Europe, throughout the Dell NetReady solution, a pay-as-you-go connectivity bundle, with the connectivity provided by Telefónica.

Dell NetReady gives the user immediate access to the web on their devices via an incorporated “M2M” (data-only) SIM card and an app that allows the client to make a choice in real time from quite a lot of connectivity bundles.

The solution is activated out of the box. Once registered, pay-as-you-go bundles can be found on the touch of a button, from half-hour as much as one month. Two tariff structures were created. The On Net tariff is for the united kingdom, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland and Spain.

Prices range from €0.99, capped at 10MB and valid for half-hour, through €2.99 (200MB, 24 hours, €8.99 (500MB, one week), and €16.99 (1GB, one month). Users can roam beteen the five On Net countries at the dsame bundle, without additional costs.
The solution will launch in all other EU countries, plus Switzerland and Norway in July, but at a stronger price, on an EU29 tariff The equivalent prices for the bundles above are €2.99, €9.99, €26.99 and €59.99. There’s no reason behind the adaptation in pricing between the On Net and EU 29 tariffs.